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AWMA® The Art Of Tang Soo Do DVD series

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Product Description

By Master D.A. Giacobbe Master Dominick A. Giacobbe first began studying the 2,000 year old art of Tang Soo Do in 1968. During the 70's he traveled to Korea where he perfected and fine-tuned his art while studying under several of the world's greatest Asian masters. Since then Master Giacobbe has gained national recognition as a Black Belt Forms competitor. He has served as special trainer to World Champion Boxers Evander Holyfield and Pernell Whitaker as well as Karate Instructor to the Philadelphia Eagles Football team. He personally trained Hall of Fame Football star Reggie White. Master Giacobbe has also appeared on the covers of Black Belt and Karate Kungfu Illustrated magazines. His amazing mind power ability has been seen on national television programs including Guinness World Records, Entertainment Tonight, Good Morning America and several other popular shows.

Volume 1: This DVD includes Forms, Basics and Kicks, One Steps and Self-defense techniques for white belt to black belt level in Tang Soo Do.

Volume 2: This DVD is the follow-up to to #54911 by Master Dominick A. Giacobbe. Geared toward 1st Dan Black Belt to 2nd Dan Black belt, it includes demonstrations of 1 Step Hand and Kick Techniques, Pyung Ahn 1 Steps and Knife Techniques.

Volume 3:  You will learn:  Pyung Ahn 1-Steps - Stick Defense Techniques for 2nd and 3rd Dan Black Belt level in Tang So.

Volume 4:  For 3rd Dan black Belt to 4th Dan Black Belt.

Volume 5:  You will learn Street Self-Defense.

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